Which primer to choose?

What needs to be paid to first of all, choosing the right soil from the variety of available mixtures? First of all, it is the ability to absorb moisture and its general structural porosity. This indicator is important for a qualitative determination of the strength of the clutch of the finishing layers.

If the base is dense and the moisture passes little — take the mixture with good adhesion. An extremely porous and loose surface must be pre -strengthened with a thin layer of deep penetration primer. Universal mixtures have a reason to buy only if the base has an average degree of porosity. You can check the porosity experimentally: apply a couple of drops of water to the surface and wait for complete absorption. If this process has occurred within five to fifteen minutes, then this is the same “golden mean”.

Professionals, however, most often use the mixtures exclusively for a specific type of base than the maximum effect of application is achieved. The need to use such soils is always justified. As an example, you can cite the case of applying the plaster to the concrete wall. To do this is extremely problematic, so the soil is used for plaster designed on a mineral basis specifically for such surfaces.

In bathrooms, baths, showers, it is also required to use a special composition of the mixture, creating a waterproofing cover, which will prevent moisturizing the surfaces. Such a mixture is usually applied in two layers: first, a waterproof seal is made, and then an elastic water -repellent film. It is on this film that the materials of the finish are applied. The process of priming walls is recommended to be used for primary preparation of the basis for applying wallpaper, paints, cladding, screed, putty, etc. D.

As for the preparation of the surface for staining, it is necessary to use the materials of one manufacturer here. This will provide a qualitative result in the future. Each large company produces its own product line and guarantees the full compatibility of materials. If you need to achieve a good result, then not the thickness of the layer is important, but the type and brand of the manufacturer.

Surfacing surfaces with a mixture must be done using technology. If the walls are in unsatisfactory condition, usually primarily primarily, so that the fortified layer is thick. If the walls are in excellent condition and grasp well, as a rule, the layer is made thin. Here it is already necessary to work with high -quality primers and, as far as possible, reduce their concentration in order to save expensive material. The average thickness of the applied layer is about 0.2 millimeters. It must be taken into account that the porous surface absorbs better. Accordingly, this increases the consumption of the material. The additional volume of the mixture will also go to the processing of old walls.

A good foreman, evaluating the condition of the walls, can make various changes to the structure and order of finishing work, which relate to the thickness of the layer and the presence of additional primer levels. Often, fiberglass or vinyl wallpapers with post -paste use plastering or puttying, without processing soil. It’s just that the wallpaper itself in this case play a connecting role (glue replaces the primer). The mixture is usually not applied to the tile if the base surface is in excellent condition. Gypsolite blocks must be primed: the mixture is absorbed into the surface and creates a film that does not allow glue to lose moisture. If the glue dries poorly and does not fit into the basic production standards, then it loses strongly in strength, and the tile can fly over time.