What is the difference between the «bulk floor» and «3D bulk floor»?

The industrial floor is a floor screed in which mixtures are used, which themselves are aligned. The most important feature is the thickness, it can be only 3.5 millimeters. Of course, if you need to do it thicker easily. The thickness can be selected as it will suit you.

There are several types of such coating, but 2 are the most popular. This is a bulk floor and 3 d of a bulk floor.  First, consider the bulk floor. This is a floor covering, which is made of screed, which quickly hardens and has a cement base. Another floor covering can be installed on a bulk field. It can be parquet, laminate, linoleum, parquet board. The main plus of the bulk floor is that it is aligned.

And now the main question about 3 D is a bulk field and what it is. It’s not very difficult. 3 D of a bulk floor is a coverage of polymers, which has several layers. You can perform such a coating if the surface is previously leveled. A photograph or picture is glued to it, only the resolution should be very high. Then it is covered with the necessary varnish. To align the surface, you can use epoxy mixtures, they completely level throughout the horizon and provide the necessary strength.

Now we will dwell in more detail on the device of the coating of this type of bulk floor.

In the beginning you need to answer some questions. Why do we need 3 d flooring, where to place it, how it will look, what photograph or drawing to choose, which surface, on which it will be laid.

The gender itself, its appearance, thickness and size will depend on these questions. Also, having chosen and decide on the view and size, you need to choose a tool for it. It is also very important to correctly calculate which surface area. Count all horizontal surfaces and preferably in square meters. This is to simplify the following calculations.

You can prepare a sketch for greater convenience for more convenience. He will help to see in advance what happens.

Today, many choose exactly 3 D of the bulk floor, as they want to differ from others and have something unusual. You also do not have to forget about the aesthetic side of the issue. This floor looks very good and expensive.  Let it be what you can be proud of. Your friends and relatives will notice such a floor at once and will not remain indifferent to it.