We decorate the summer cottage

A summer cottage is a wonderful hobby, a kind of small universe, where you can easily realize any creative and creative ideas. If you want to turn your plot into a real paradise nest, one desire will be not enough. You must develop a detailed plan for its decoration. So stock up on imagination and patience. I assure you, the result will not be long in expecting!

First of all, you need to take into account many important points: what is the state of the earth on your plot, whether the relief is suitable there, there is a lot of precipitation. All this is extremely necessary to compare so that the fruits of your long labor do not go down the drain.

If at your cottage there are constantly children, you can arrange various fairy -tale characters from wood or purchased in the store throughout your site. In each corner of your garden, place approximately the same decor elements with similar color colors.

Do not forget about backlighting. Almost all decorative elements, such as streams, decorative pond, flower beds, small figures and even your house. When planting plants and flowers in your site, you must remember the importance of a smooth transition of colors, as well as the shape and size of the foliage.

You must strive for your territory pleasing the eye and you and your neighbors. For example, old stump can be decorated with various improvised materials such as small twigs, moss or children’s toys.

If your garden has a couple of large trees, you definitely need to install children’s swings and several feeders for protein and birds. And, for example, ordinary cobblestones or small pebbles can strengthen the shores of artificial ponds or rivers, as well as paths and paths.

Artificial waterfalls can be the best decoration of your garden, especially if the relief of the site is not very even. To create a waterfall, you need an ordinary film that will not let water, river naked, small plants and a pump. You can install a small decorative bridge over your pond, this will give your garden even more beauty and will delight you and your guests.

Various flower beds and flower beds are one of the simplest jewelry of your garden. Flowers can be placed almost anywhere. You can’t overdo it with them. Near decorative ponds, your home, etc.D. flower beds should not be placed on hills or in draft.