For various reasons, the company may need to rent a warehouse. The requirements for the warehouse depend on the products that are planned to be stored in it — raw materials and finished products of industrial enterprises, various goods, archival materials and documents, food, etc.D. How to choose a warehouse so that then you do not have to start a search again?
Trading companies with a small turnover that does not require a large room for constant storage of goods may resort to the assistance of organizations that provide warehouse services, accepting the goods for responsible storage. At the same time, the goods of the customer company can be any, since the company-executor has all the conditions for the warehouse storage, including not only the room itself, but also the necessary equipment and specialists.
With stable trade, the company management is conceived about renting or buying a warehouse. Here you need to know the following nuances.
Plumbing, pipes, cranes, etc.D. can be stored in a room without heating, it turns out much cheaper. For storing food and flowers, a supported temperature regime is required, therefore, only premises of grocery warehouse bases are used for these purposes. A special room is also required for storing medical and pharmacological drugs, food additives, etc.P. The main requirement for the warehouse of such products is the mandatory availability of a certificate for such a use or condition ready for certification. Goods to be licensed — tobacco products, alcohol, etc.D. — can only be stored in the warehouses of their licensed group, which have the necessary license or certificate.
Industrial equipment of medium and large dimensions should be stored in warehouses equipped with a bar tap or other special equipment that has an appropriate lifting capacity. It is important to remember here that the application for the rental of the premises in this case must contain data on the overall dimensions of the equipment that is submitted for storage. Information about the maximum and minimum size of the boxes and their maximum veche should be indicated in the application if the products should be stored on pallets. Special conditions are required for the storage of chemical, paintwork, fire hazardous substances, pyrotechnics, auto chemistry and autocratics.
In addition to the characteristics of products and premises, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of a particular method of delivery of cargo — access for trucks, the presence of a railway line, mode of operation, a schedule of arrival and departure of cars, the number of machines for loading the goods, etc.D. When comparing prices, find out whether or not additional expenses are included in it-payment of electricity, heating, security, loading and unloading, etc. Such information is indicated in the presentation to the warehouse, as, for example, on the site where the premises in Kostroma are presented.
Based on the analysis of the existing options, the entrepreneur makes a choice in favor of a particular room. If licensing is planned, then the lease should be drawn up by a direct lease or sublease agreement with registration.
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