The construction of the roof ends the construction of the house. The rafters serve as an important loading element of the pitched roof. They consist of vertical racks, inclined «legs» and struts. A serious and responsible business is the installation of the rafter system, you do not need to rush here, on how you install the rafters, the reliability of the entire structure will depend.
How to put rafters
The main figure in rafter systems is a triangle, which is due to the highest level of strength and benefit. There are various types of rafter systems, as well as the material for their construction. Thanks to this variety, you can choose the best option for your roof.
You should know that the installation of rafters is not an easy process, and you can’t cope with one, so find yourself an assistant in advance. Help consists in the delivery of heavy and bulky materials to the top of the building, as well as in the installation of structural elements.
Material for rafter systems
Depending on the selected material, rafter systems are divided into: metal, wooden and reinforced concrete. Also not so long ago, polymer rafters appeared, but this design has not yet experienced time, so think about whether it is worth experimenting on your home.
Most often, it is wooden rafters that use the house to build a house.
How to put rafters
This is explained by the ease of manufacture, the possibility of building or trimming.
The length of reinforced concrete systems is unlikely to be changed, therefore, metal rafters are installed only for the construction of stone or concrete houses. Such systems have one big minus — the problem with the attachment of the crate to the rafters.
Most likely, your choice will fall on a wooden structure, then remember that the tree needs to be treated with special preparations to protect against mold, rot and fire.
Install the rafters
First you need to mount a Mauerlat — this is a beam with a square section. It must be laid on the inside of the wall, fastening with metal anchors, which are first inserted into the supporting pillows. For temporary subpes, we install the ridge beam, while controlling the size of the entire structure. The skate beam is placed strictly in a horizontal position and parallel to the walls using the building level.
We prepare the rafters, measuring them exactly in length and cutting them for the reliability of the connection with the Mauerlat and the ridge timber. At the bottom of the rafters, make the slice so that the upper plane exactly coincides with Mauerlat. The rafters from above should complicate tightly with the top of the ridge timber. Having performed all these actions with one rafter element, all further operations will be performed according to the template.
How to put rafters
We proceed to the installation of extreme rafter pairs, they will serve as a kind of “beacon” for the rest of the steam. We pull the cords between the extreme rafters, and build the remaining rafters along them. While installing the rafters, follow the distance between them. The most optimal is 600 — 1000 mm.
It happens that the rafters do not fit in size, then they need to be lengthened. To do this, cut the ends of the blanks at an angle of 90 degrees, so you will provide a tight fit of the ends. On the sides of the joint, we fix the wooden overlays (length 700 mm). So you will get rid of possible deflections that appear from various loads on the design. Those rafters that had to be lengthened, mount so that the joints are not located above the other, but alternate in parts: upper and lower.
In this way, rafters are installed. Do not take this business yourself, you will need help.
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