The well -being of Russian citizens over the past 30 years has improved significantly, for example, an imported car, good furniture, equipment and other capitalist excesses have appeared in the average family. As for the repair of apartments, now it is already difficult to surprise someone with an individual design. What is a design project and what is good? First of all, it allows you to plan the room, make it as functional and comfortable as possible. And the result of such a design project can be viewed even before the start of repair work in the graphic program and make adjustments. Secondly, it is determined by the style of the room. Thirdly, the interior design is designed to choose all finishing materials, determine their number, and, accordingly, plan the budget in advance.
Some mistakenly believe that interior design is an unnecessary waste, and prefer to carry out repairs in the oldest. Thus, the premises are first repaired, and subsequently, furniture is bought for the obtained parameters. However, as practice shows, it is more logical to order a design project. Consider the main stages of creating a design project.
one. A plan of the existing premises is created, indicating all sizes. This information is needed for future calculations.
2. The plan of reconstructed elements, or, in simple language, is carried out, the plan for the breakup of old partitions and the construction of new.
3. At this stage, you can already fulfill a plan where items will be indicated after redevelopment.
four. An equally important part of the design project is the creation of the explication of the room in which the characteristics of the room are indicated.
5. The most creative stage: creating style. It is at this stage that all interior items, materials are selected, and a computer model is created.
6. A detailed plan of ceilings and ceiling lighting is created.
7. An electrician placement plan is being developed.
eight. A plan for plumbing equipment is formed.
9. The final stage — the floor plan and the scan of all walls are drawn.
As you can see, the design project is not the art of selection of furniture, this is a real project indicating all the parameters according to which all finishing work is subsequently performed. For example, the design of the kitchen provides not only the creation of a certain interior, but also resolves the issue of comfortable planning.
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